Brownfield Redevelopment
Brownfields, environmental assessments, cleanup, and stigmatized collateral all share a common challenge: how to achieve sustainable redevelopment on contaminated properties. Misconceptions surrounding brownfields often pose significant obstacles to their revitalization. It's a common belief that developers steer clear of contaminated sites. Therefore, educating the public and businesses on how to manage residual pollution is paramount.
The cleanup of one property can have a ripple effect, positively impacting neighboring properties. Adjacent or nearby property owners often witness the rejuvenation of one property, which enhances the potential of their own. The advantages are numerous: fewer abandoned storefronts, increased foot traffic, employees staying close to work for lunch, boosting nearby businesses, and an overall improvement in the vitality of an area. Brownfield redevelopments also return buildings to the tax rolls, generating tax revenue that would otherwise be unavailable without the establishment of new businesses. Moreover, the reuse of old buildings helps preserve architectural and historical character, which is an integral part of a town's history and legacy.
ERRM's knowledge and proven experience harmonize reconstruction with environmental remediation. We deliver property-specific solutions to our brownfield assessment and redevelopment clients at the pace demanded by businesses, all while collaborating with the environmental regulatory community. Our reputation within state agencies reflects our commitment to working together toward a common goal.