Facility Siting Services

ERRM possesses the know-how to navigate the site selection, design, and construction process for various projects. Whether it involves wind, solar, transmission lines, or more conventional sites, we draw upon our wealth of experience to proactively address challenges and seize opportunities in the facility siting journey.

Leveraging our comprehensive understanding of the entire value chain, we prioritize constructability factors from the outset. This approach accelerates the siting process, curtails engineering and construction costs, ensures efficient milestone management and minimizes potential delays. Our ultimate objective is to empower our clients, be they Utility Companies, Renewable Energy firms, or large residential developers, to transform sites into 'build-ready' status swiftly, cost-effectively, and with a well-defined 'constructible project plan.'

Our Facility Siting Services encompass:

  • Pre-Permitting Services: Offering critical issues analysis, permit matrix development,and due diligence.
  • Permitting Services: Covering NEPA, CEQA, HUD, USDA, SBA, Regulatory Permitting (including Clean Water Act, NPDES, conditional use, land disturbance permits, and more).
  • Specialized Research, Analysis, and Mitigation: Comprising baseline data collection, monitoring, and mitigation fulfillment.
  • Hydrologic Determinations: Focusing on streams and wetlands.
  • Public Involvement: Ensuring community engagement.
  • Environmental Compliance Monitoring: To maintain adherence to environmental standards.